How did it feel with no Facebook?

How did it feel with no Facebook?

I don’t know about you guys,


But I enjoyed it.


No notifications going off


Not having to check constant leads or people messaging


There was the aspect of not being able to answer people


The ones who needed help or wanted to know information


Or just ask me for some knowledge.


That was something I enjoy doing


But it did feel good to not have Facebook running for a moment


Or Instagram for that matter


But who are we or am I kidding though?


The thing is,


As much as we might not like Facebook or become annoyed by it,


Well, some of us at least.


It’s so embedded into our society now that a lot of us need it


I know I do for business.


But there are times when I think we should break away from social media in general.


It's great for a lot of things.


But it can also be bad if you let it control you.


I came from a generation on the edging point of


Where we spent more time outside


And with people in person


Then on a phone scrolling through social media.


Now it wasn’t too long after social media made its presence


And big tech companies like Facebook, Apple, Instagram, Twitter, etc.


Made their appearance.

And slowly but surely everyone plugged into the system,


We have today.


And again, it's not a bad thing


Only if you yourself let it become that way.


But its good for your mind to recharge and focus on other things


That you might not have generally put time towards


Because of social media operating.


I feel as though there is a part of one’s curiosity and intuition


That gets robbed from us when we focus too much on social media.


Like being alone and discovering who you are,


Getting to know what you like and dislike and meeting different people.


Experiencing situations and circumstances of life.


These things turn you into a stronger person.


Now I know this will happen anyway.


But I feel like currently, we have fewer of these experiences,


Because some of us are on our phones a lot more than we need to be.


I sound I’m hating on social media,


But I just want people to know that there is a world out there,


Outside of your phone.


And sometimes just looking up from the screen can cause you


To see things are you that you have been inherently missing.


And as always, I strive to help as much as I can through fitness education utilizing all my social media platforms.


My passion for fitness guides me to give people the help they need in whatever way I can.


If you have been able to find the information, I release helpful then I’m happy I was able to serve you.


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor a nutritionist. This is all from the experience I have gained through myself and through schooling I have taken from a health and fitness course. Through my videos, I share my personal and educational experience that I have acquired over the past years of training individuals through fitness and nutrition.


As always, I strive to help as much as I can by bringing you fitness education through means of all my social media platforms. My passion for fitness guides me to give people the help they need in whatever way I can. If you have been able to find the information I release helpful then I’m happy I was able to serve you.

Don’t forget to check me out on my other social media handles for the latest and best advice for fitness.

- YouTube: AtoZbodyfitness

- Instagram: AtoZbodyfitness

- Twitter: AtoZbodyfitness

- Facebook: AtoZbodyfitness

- Tumblr: AtoZbodyfitness

- Tik Tok: AtoZbodyfitness




Action – Consistency - Growth


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