Your metabolism does play a part in your weight loss and the total function of your body. But people overanalyze the importance of how much impact it has on your system. Eating less slows metabolism just as eating more increases it. But just because it increases doesn’t mean you will speed it up and cause weight loss. This is where a lot of people get misguided and confused. Your metabolism functions and runs based on how much food and activity you do during the day. Although it does help in the ways of burning calories, it doesn’t mean you will automatically start gaining weight because your metabolism is “slow” or losing weight. After all, it's “fast. I’m sure you have heard someone say before that they aren’t losing weight because their metabolism is slow. Or maybe you have even thought this yourself. Well, the real answers lie in the food you eat, how much of it you’re eating, and your movement, whether that be it's high or sedentary. So, let’s say you were to start getting your eating habits regimented, start making better nutritional choices, and also start to regularly workout three times a week, your metabolism would start to regulate. And it starts to regulate because of the action you are putting into your movements and you’re eating. So, as I was saying it comes back down to really how much you eat and what you’re eating plus the movement you engage in. This is what matters regarding weight loss and not so much emphasis on your metabolism. So when it comes to weight loss, and even building muscle, just remember, it's what your eating and how much it controls your weight. Don’t blame it on a slow or fast metabolism. It’s what you eat and your movement that will ultimately determine your weight. Disclaimer: Adam is not a doctor nor a nutritionist. This is all from the experience Adam has gained through himself and through schooling. Through his videos, Adam shares the personal and educational experience that he has acquired over the past years of training individuals through fitness and nutrition. Adam would strongly recommend you see your physician before starting or completing any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition to participate in the exercises which is why consulting your physician would be recommended. Disclaimer: Adam is not a doctor nor a nutritionist. This is all from the experience Adam has gained through himself and through schooling. Through his videos, Adam shares his personal and educational experience that he has acquired over the past years of training individuals through fitness and nutrition. Adam would strongly recommend you see your physician before starting or completing any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition to participate in the exercises which are why consulting your physician would be recommended. As always, I strive to help as much as I can by bringing you fitness education through means of all my social media platforms. My passion for fitness guides me to give people the help they need in whatever way I can. If you have been able to find the information I release helpful then I’m happy I was able to serve you. Don’t forget to check me out on my other social media handles for the latest and best advice for fitness. - YouTube: AtoZbodyfitness - Instagram: AtoZbodyfitness - Twitter: AtoZbodyfitness - Facebook: AtoZbodyfitness - Tumblr: AtoZbodyfitness - Tik Tok: AtoZbodyfitness Action – Consistency - Growth